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Birkenhead Institute Old Boys

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Old Instonians Golf Society

2024 Pyke Cup

This year the competition is expected to take place on the afternoon of September 27th before the Reunion Dinner at Wirral Golf Club. Please note the change of venue. It is an excellent afternoon’s golf on a well-prepared course.

As with 2019’s dinner, I want to try and increase the numbers. If you have a friend or relative who played for the Old Boys (Football or Rugby), is not necessarily an Old Boy, and would like to play in the golf, then bring them along to the golf and dinner. They will not be eligible for the Pyke Trophy, but will be very welcome anyway.

It will take the form of a Stapleford Competition with full Handicap. At the moment, tee times are available from 12.02pm to 12.34pm, additional times can be arranged if required.

The golf is a pleasant outing in good company and enjoyed by all that play.

 Last Saved Friday, July 12, 2024 11:27